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Elina and Johanna
14. huhtik. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Elle Italia
Elle Italia, story about Johanna by Matteo Fagotto, photos by Elina. So nice to see Johanna's story go out around the world. Next waiting...

Elina and Johanna
4. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Allas Sea Pool with Jean-Charles Granjon
Cold morning at Allas Sea Pool with Archer's Mark crew and in the water with us Jean-Charles Granjon filming. Beautiful morning for the...

Elina and Johanna
4. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Annabelle magazine, Switzerland
Annabelle Magazine 2/20 in Switzerland. Story about Johanna by Matteo Fagotto, pics by Elina. From our lake in Heinola....

Elina and Johanna
4. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Behind the scenes with the crew
Our days at the cabin with these guys - special!! And so much fun. And special also to be able to invite them to the cabin with us....

Elina and Johanna
4. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Filming in Heinola with Archer's Mark
Intense days at the cabin with Archer's Mark crew from London. There's just enough ice that we were able to cut open our swimming pool...

Elina and Johanna
4. maalisk. 20202 min käytetty lukemiseen
Taking all the winter gear to Heinola with Johanna's green van. Which is still alive but only just. Ian Derry also wanted to have the van...

Elina and Johanna
3. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Big vs Small film premiere in Heinola
Big vs. Small documentary film tells a story of Joana Andrade, a big wave surfer from Portugal who surfs up to 30 metre waves in Nazare....

Elina and Johanna
3. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Iltalehti wrote this story about Johanna and our pictures a while ago, but it came out again today now that the Extremepäiväkirjat is on...

Elina and Johanna
3. maalisk. 20201 min käytetty lukemiseen
Anna magazine
In the newest Anna magazine a story about Johanna and her diving. This year I have been waiting to take these kinds of ice pictures. But...

Elina and Johanna
8. marrask. 20192 min käytetty lukemiseen
World Record Attempt Johanna Nordblad ice diver 2020 Finland

Elina and Johanna
6. marrask. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
September at our lake
Our lake in September when it was just starting to cool down. We needed a day just for ourselves so we packed our Seat Tarraco with...

Elina and Johanna
1. marrask. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Getting colder
Water is getting colder. It always feels like this transition when weather starts to change. Things will be different again. Have to...

Elina and Johanna
16. lokak. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
OPRAH magazine, November issue 2019
In Oprah Magazine!! November issue 2019. A full spread, with a pic by me and a story of Johanna. Can’t wait to see a paper version of...

Elina and Johanna
10. lokak. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Ruslan with us on an ElinaJohannaDay
Ruslan found Sasha Luckova’s painting in Helsinki, it was one of Sasha’s Giving Heart -project art pieces. And at the back of it there...

Elina and Johanna
26. elok. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Underwater with sis and the camera - YLE PUHE with Elina
Finland is a paradise for freedivers, says Elina who is in the water with sis Johanna and her camera and enjoys water in Finland and...

Elina and Johanna
26. elok. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
In the sea
In our sea last night, with Johanna. How lucky are we to live right by water. This was our evening swim time. Water still warm in Finland...

Elina and Johanna
9. huhtik. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Morning drive on the lake
After two days of filming with one of them being Johanna's training dive day, we had an early night and woke up to this beautiful...

Elina and Johanna
3. huhtik. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Under the ice with Ian and Steve
After filming for a few days with Ian Derry and Steve Jamison it was time to relax and go in the water. The best season to see the...

Elina and Johanna
2. huhtik. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Johanna under our ice blocks
Our ice swimming pool at our lake has this year been only about 7 metres, not 15 like last year :D. But still so nice and beautiful. And...

Elina and Johanna
2. huhtik. 20191 min käytetty lukemiseen
Iltalehti Ilona
In Iltalehti the other week, on a weekend issue. Such a nicely written article! Pics by Elina At our lake in Heinola

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