On Thursday 15.2.2018 opened yet another Elina and Johanna Exhibition, this time in Heinola. We are so excited to work with Heinola city, since we have had a chance to spend this winter season right next to the most beautiful lake we know, Sonnanen. Sonnanen is the lake where we filmed with Matila & Röhr Productions for the Life in Four Elements movie (Neljä Elementtiä). It's also the lake where we filmed Johanna with Ian Derry. It's the lake where we always go back to shoot and 3 of the pictures in our exhibition are from there. So - when we learnt we had a chance to have a cabin for the winter by that lake we didn't have to think twice.
What would be nicer than to show the world how beautiful it is here in our country and around this lake. A two hour drive from Helsinki and there you are, in the middle of beauty and silence.
Tomorrow we are driving up there again and spending the week there. And if you happen to be around Heinola go check our art at Heinolan Kulttuuritoimisto, Kauppakatu 4, Heinola.